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Browse and download from our collection of over 4000 plus e-books, including local content from New Zealand. ePlatform is quick, simple and free to install.

Our ePlatform collection gives you instant access to thousands of e-books and e-audiobooks using your smartphone, tablet, e-reader or computer.

ePlatform collection

  • You can borrow up to five e-books and/or e-audiobooks at a time.
  • Each loan will last two weeks, with the book automatically returning itself at the end of that time.
  • If the e-book you want to read is on loan to someone else, you can place a reserve. ePlatform will send you an email to let you know when it is available for you to download.

Please note that the Kindle e-reader from Amazon is not compatible with our ePlatform collection.

How to get started with ePlatform

For more help using ePlatform, please phone (07) 577-7177 to make an appointment with one of our Digital Programmes Specialists.

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